Sanita Elegance
There comes a time in life when a person might experience incontinence. The condition can be just a passing phase, but it can also worsen with age. Sanita Elegance helps people with moderate and heavy incontinence to continue living life with happiness and comfort. Stay positive and active with Sanita Elegance!
Sanita Elegance brand is owned by INDEVCO and manufactured under license by Napco National.

Incontinence can affect a person's sense of confidence and self-worth. Living with incontinence is no longer a problem with Sanita Elegance. With Sanita Elegance, individuals dealing with bladder leakage can now seize the day to the fullest while preserving their confidence and self-esteem. Our goal is to minimize incontinence’s impact on people’s wellbeing and grant them the protection and support they need to enjoy every moment without worries or stress! Whether your loved one is fit or bedridden, Sanita Elegance is committed to ensuring their hygiene, independence and privacy so that they can focus on what matters most.
Maintaining your loved one’s dignity lies at the heart of our mission.

Sanita Elegance seeks to provide the best solutions, products and practices that make people who are experiencing incontinence feel more peaceful and secure. With Sanita Elegance, people with incontinence can maintain their vigor and lead an energetic and fulfilling life regardless of age or condition.
Whether at home with your loved one or in a professional healthcare center, you're in safe hands with Sanita Elegance!